Happiness and Health in Harmony

Happiness and Health in Harmony

Happiness and Health in Harmony

Happiness and Health in Harmony

Happiness and Health in Harmony

Happiness and Health in Harmony

Happiness and Health in Harmony

Happiness and Health in Harmony

Warwick - A Singing Town Aims

To celebrate the joy
of singing.

For singing to be part of the artistic and cultural post-pandemic renewal in Warwick.

For all residents to have access to high-quality singing and choral opportunities.

For on-going, high-quality singing and choral opportunities to be part of every school pupil’s entitlement.

For the therapeutic benefits of singing to be better understood, and promoted for our residents.

Above all, Warwick – A Singing Town should create a positive and exciting project for all Warwick residents
that will inspire and generate optimism and enthusiasm.

‘Warwick – A Singing Town’ is having a big impact on our school; not just for music but also in supporting the wider school community.
We are very pleased to have been the first WaST school to sing at Warwick Hospital and are looking forward to going back soon’.
Andrew Mitchell, Headteacher – Woodloes Primary School

Featured Events

Why is singing so important?

Singing is a 'cultural glue' that reinforces social occasions - who hasn't sung 'Happy Birthday To You'?

Uncover the many benefits of singing...

Upcoming Events

In addition to the many concerts and events being held all year round by the partner organisations, Warwick – A Singing Town will be supporting school singing events and concerts, as well as organising some of our own. We hope you will come along to support – and join in when you can.

Previous Events

Warwick – A Singing Town conducts a wide variety of events throughout the year within our community, open to all ages. Details of previous events, including information, photos and videos can be found in our Gallery.  Simply click the button below to view.

Contact Us

Thank you for contacting Warwick - A Singing Town.
A member of our team will be happy to assist.